Agosto 14, 2018

What's new in Knox 3.2

Samsung Knox News

What’s new in Knox 3.2

Samsung continues to evolve mobile device enterprise security and manageability with its newest Knox Platform – Knox 3.2.

This upgrade focuses on 3 key industry needs: granular device management, frictionless deployment and updates to the Knox Workspace (container).

Who does this benefit? The software developer, the IT Admin, and of course, the end user using a work enabled device - corporate-owned personally-enabled (COPE), Bring your own device (BYOD) or Company Owned/Business Only (COBO).

Use these key Knox 3.2 features to increase the security and productivity in your corporate mobile work environment.


Samsung DeX management features

Samsung DeX is a revolutionary new technology that allows users to transform their mobile devices into powerful enterprise desktops by simply connecting them into an external display (through DeX Station, DeX Pad, or HDMI adapter). This allows employees to work in desktop environment while operating under the same mobile policy management setup pushed by your MDM/EMM. For the 3.2 release, the Knox team is providing the following DeX-specific management features.

Organize home screen apps: Align and organize apps in a preferred order. This is perfect for organizations that want to set up numerous identical workstations throughout their organization.

Set custom web shortcuts: Add a custom icon on the DeX home screen to open a specific URL. This is useful for users that have to access a website frequently – for example, an internal Intranet network.


Rich Communication Services (RCS) message capture

Knox 3.2 allows IT Admins to capture RCS messages. For many industries, such as the financial services, the ability to audit sent and received messages is required by law.


Improved Device Enrollment

In Knox 3.2, device enrollment can be quickly done with a special gesture performed in the setup wizard.

Knox Mobile Enrollment provides a streamlined IMEI bulk provisioning service for enterprise devices. While this is the ideal workflow, there are cases where IMEIs cannot be registered in the system for various technical reasons. This additional feature allows you to enroll these devices easily.


App permission monitor (APM) updates

The following updates have been added to the App Permission Monitor service:

  • Updated data collection – Collect location info, foreground + background app info and statistics on data that may have leaked via hidden background permissions.
  • UX improvements – New button shortcut to turn off APM monitoring per app.
  • More B2B policies – Force stop background apps.


VPN updates

  • Device wide VPN support for DO and PO profiles – When targeting the new Knox Platform for Enterprise container, IT Admins can use a single VPN tunnel for traffic inside and outside of a container.
  • Support VPN app blocklist – This feature allows IT Admins to blocklist specific VPN apps if needed.


NPA updates

NPA, long-lived flows, data collection, net flow

  • DNS requests are now attributed to the requesting app.
  • New configuration options allow you to select when to sample data: beginning of flow, end of flow, or both.
    • NPA now indicates if data is associated with the start or end of the flow.
    • A new data point was added to identify the type of network, such as WiFi or VPN, over which a data flow occurs.


Knox Workspace updates

  • Work profile icon name change – To avoid end user confusion, profiles created in Android have been renamed from "Workspace" to "Work”. This is reflected in the icon name on the device.
  • GDPR compliance – Knox Workspace is updated to meet the stringent requirements of GDPR.

icon knox 3.2

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Comenzar con Samsung Knox

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¿Es un distribuidor, un proveedor de soluciones o un proveedor de servicios?

Conviértase en socio de Knox y haga crecer su empresa hoy mismo.

[Ícono] información

Seleccione un producto Knox para comenzar:

Paquete todo en uno
Knox Suite
Cambios de marca y personalización
Knox Configure
Protección contra el fraude y el robo
Knox Guard
Plan de protección de dispositivos
Samsung Care+ for Business
Otros productos y servicios

Comience con

[Imagen] Knox Suite

Paquete de soluciones todo en uno para ofrecer movilidad empresarial.

  • Obtenga una prueba gratuita de 90 días para hasta 30 dispositivos.
  • Un conjunto completo de herramientas para proteger, implementar, administrar y analizar los dispositivos corporativos.
  • Pruebe funciones potentes incluidas en el paquete de Knox Suite.

Knox Suite incluye lo siguiente:

Knox Mobile Enrollment Gratuita
Knox Manage
Knox Asset Intelligence
Knox Platform for Enterprise Gratuita
Soporte remoto de Knox
Knox Capture
Knox Authentication Manager

Comience con

[Imagen] Logotipo de Knox Configure

Personalice sus dispositivos Samsung y cámbieles la marca.

  • Obtenga una prueba gratuita de 90 días para hasta 30 dispositivos.
  • Configure de forma remota los dispositivos Samsung en masa y personalícelos según las necesidades específicas, desde el primer momento.
  • Configure sus dispositivos para una implementación de una sola vez o actualícelos cuantas veces quiera.

Comience con

[Ícono] Logotipo de Knox Guard

Protección contra el fraude y el robo para dispositivos Samsung.

  • Obtenga una prueba gratuita de 90 días para hasta 30 dispositivos.
  • Reduzca los riesgos financieros y proteja los activos mediante el control remoto de dispositivos Samsung.
  • Pruebe todas las funciones de Knox Guard, incluidos el control de SIM y el bloqueo de dispositivos.

Comience con

[Imagen] Logotipo de Samsung Care Plus For Business

Planes de protección de dispositivos para dispositivos Samsung.

  • Limite las interrupciones empresariales con reparaciones y reemplazos de dispositivos rápidos. Comuníquese con el equipo de ventas de Samsung para comenzar.
  • Vea toda la cobertura para dispositivos e información de reclamaciones en un solo lugar.
  • ¿Ya compró Samsung Care+ for Business? Cree una cuenta y active su plan en la consola Samsung Care+ for Business.

Otros productos y servicios

[Imagen] Otros logotipos

Soluciones modernas para abordar sus necesidades únicas.

  • Obtenga soporte técnico eficiente de un administrador de cuentas dedicado con el Soporte técnico empresarial.
  • Cree dispositivos a medida para su empresa mediante Samsung Software Customization Service.