Dezember 16, 2019

New consolidated documentation

Daljot Singh

Hello revered readers! You might already have seen our new documentation website. This new format improves your user experience and helps you find your answers optimally.


Why did we make this change?

Although the documentation existed previously, it was divided on the admin and developer websites. There was no exclusive documentation area, for both—admins and developers.


What are our consolidated guides?

Consolidated guides contain documents for all our Knox solutions under a single domain. This eliminates the need for you to go to main site, search for the solution, and then navigate to its documentation. Now, every guide is available under a single umbrella.


What do these guides offer?

The consolidated guides provide relevant content in a linear fashion. The guides have similar look and feel as they contain similar sub-sections like ‘overview’, ‘tutorials’, ‘FAQs’, and ‘API reference’. This structure is especially helpful to users using more than one solution, as the content structure is similar and thus, easier to navigate.


Additional features

The consolidated guides have value-added features such as:


  1. Uniform table of contents to help easy navigation through different sections of guide.
  2. Search bar to look through the entire guide for information.
  3. Floating side-navigation to effortlessly browse through different sections of a page.
  4. Feedback module to let us know of the experience of the documentation. You can also provide us with additional information to guide us what we can improve on.


Next steps