Juni 4, 2020

Knox Manage Remote Support Tool: Helping provide business continuity and effective bedside support during the COVID-19 pandemic

Daniel Makindu

In recent months, to support multiple governments’ efforts to limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses around the world have adopted remote working for the safety and well being of their employees. This has resulted in businesses taking different approaches in their way of supporting their employees’ devices and tablets remotely.

Remote Support

Remote Support is a tool included in the Knox Suite bundle and the Knox Manage Enterprise Mobility Management solution that allows an IT admin to securely access, control and support their devices for troubleshooting purposes in either attended or unattended modes.

Remote Support allows an IT Admin to access an employee’s device remotely, if that employee is experiencing difficulty using or configuring it. The employee permits the IT Admin to assist and then full access is granted to the IT Admin as if the device was in their own hand to troubleshoot.

Simple to deploy, Remote Support is included in the Knox Suite/Knox Manage license and consists of just two applications:

Remote Support Viewer (RS Viewer) which displays the user’s device screen on an administrator’s laptop. The RS Viewer software can be downloaded from the Knox Manage console.

Remote Support Application (RS App) which receives remote support on the user’s device. The RS App can be downloaded from the Knox Manage console, the Knox Manage agent or the Google Play Store.


Remote Support Tool

In these challenging times, we have seen increased adoption across verticals not just limited to healthcare, transportation and education that employ key workers which are essential to keep the country running, but also others such as a variety of government use cases.

Let’s take a look at some challenges that are being addressed by the Samsung Knox Manage Remote Support Tool:

Business continuity

With the drive of home working, organizational demand in providing a solution that allows their employees to maintain the ability to work from home through a different type of platform has increased. Organizations have to take into consideration how to maintain business continuity to prevent slowing of productivity or loss of revenue and maintaining user privacy. The requirement to be able to assist an employee in a timely manner and just like being physically side-by-side is key.

Deployment of Samsung Remote Support has allowed IT teams to remotely support employees in a timely fashion, provide business continuity and maintain user privacy. There are numerous benefits not just limited to these below:

  • Samsung Remote Support solution is application based which requires minimal effort for the end user as the user app can be installed by the IT administrator remotely. The session can be configured quickly and the IT administrator can collect logs through the file sharing feature to be analysed offline preventing impacting user productivity.
  • User privacy is maintained during the session with the ability for the end user to follow the action being performed on the device.
  • Samsung Remote Support tool supports both Samsung and non-Samsung Android devices ensuring support across the Android OEM market.

Effective bedside support

In the healthcare industry; intensive care units (ICUs) or care home patients in isolation have been provided tablets to maintain a way of communication through messaging and video conferencing software with their loved ones during this difficult time.

The main concerns facing IT Managers have been around how to ensure effective support is maintained, especially for patients who might not be tablet literate. Also, there is a need for IT Managers to consider how to prevent patients from getting frustrated due to the new technology introduction.

Deployment of Samsung Remote Support has allowed the IT team to remotely support patient devices in a secure and safe way for educational or troubleshooting purposes. Some benefits, not just limited to the ones below are:

  • Minimal patient effort: a remote session is initiated by the IT administrator; the only requirement is to select the ‘Accept’ button that will be presented on the patient’s tablet.
  • Remote learning where an IT administrator can perform a walkthrough of new tablet being provided to patients without the need to be within the same room, to prevent any potential COVID-19 spread.
  • Ability to take a screen capture or recording a session that will be reviewed to investigate a technical issue at later stage by the IT administrator.
  • Ability to take device logs and copy files between the device and the IT administrator’s computer.


For more information

Read the Remote Support Admin guide Admin Guide Try Knox Manage for free (30-day free trial)